Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - curry en PuppetCamp Europe 2010 <p>Last week was pretty heavy on conferences for me. On wednesday I had to give my <a href="http://www.krisbuytaert.be/blog/building-virtual-apliances">Building Virtual Appliances</a> talk at the at the Sizing Server event on Advanced Virtualization and Hybrid Cloud Computing , but the most important part of the week was the first edition of Puppetcamp Europe.</p> <p>When the first ideas about PuppetCamp Europe started I asked Luke when and where it'd be held. He replied that I should know as I was supposed to organise it... I thanked for the honour , he went on to ask <a href="http://jedi.be/blog/" rel="nofollow">Patrick</a> , he accepted ... I hope I helped him out enough :) I even handed out a personal invitation to some of the most famous configuration mgmt people on this planet and <a href="http://www.inuits.be">Inuits</a> sponsored the event too</p> <p>Luke started with the opening talk, talking about the future and past of puppet , about version numbers, 2.6 does sound familiar and stable doesn't it, about <a href="http://forge.puppetlabs.com/" rel="nofollow">forge.puppetlabs.com</a><br /> During @puppetmasterd 's talk @kartar played Bugmaster which was great and almost realtime</p> <p>The real fun started with the Open Spaces ... after everybody presented themselves, a mix of usual suspects, first timers and oldskoolers from irc #puppet that finally got faces, different sessions were proposed, ranging from Puppet 101, Alternative Puppet Architectures, Puppet HA, MultiMaster Puppet to Dating for PuppetMasters </p> <p>Over the 2 days spread the open space different ideas came up on e.g how to scale puppet. Different people are letting their puppetclients run from cron in batches, but probably the weirdest idea I heard was to run Puppet in Jruby in order to speed it up.</p> <p>Lots of talk on certificates and how to solve the pains with them .. e.g like in a HA setup .. you need to create an authority chain .. there was also talk about having a<br /> --trust-my-network feature that would disable certificates, Luke was open to accepting such a patch, or a patch that would make the whole certificate setup more pluggable<br /> That would for sure be a feature a lot of people would want to use ..</p> <p>The thurday evening conference dinner was "Stoofvlees met Frieten" for most of us .. but for me it was a London Devops Curry in Gent, with @unixdaemon @ripienaar and some others ;) </p> <p>But with lots of interesting chatter, free beer and free icecream there's for sure going to be another similar event in Europe next year ..</p> configuration mgmt curry devops ghent jruby puppet puppetcamp ruby zebrastraat Tue, 01 Jun 2010 19:59:41 +0000 Kris Buytaert 1007 at