Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - enomalism en Matt Rechenburg of openQRM gets Interviewed <p><a href="http://ostatic.com/170981-blog/interview-openqrms-open-source-systems-management" rel="nofollow">Ostatic</a> interviews my good friend <a href="">Matt Rechenburg</a> of <a href="">openQRM</a> fame</p> <p>There is one part however where I think we need to elaborate ..<br /> In the Question about the closest alternatives Matt replies "There are some projects like Virtual Iron and Zenoss which are focusing on the same tasks as openQRM. Now I have to disagree about Zenoss being in the same area as openQRM , But Zenoss.. totally different product , not even remotely close to what openQRM does. Zenoss is a competitor to Nagios, HypericHQ , Zabbix etc. You could have an Zenoss plugin in openQRM , just as you can have a Nagios or Hyperic HQ plugin for it . <a href="http://www.inuits.be/">We</a> have <a href="http://www.krisbuytaert.be/blog/node/692">presented</a> about these different technologies earlier this year at OLS. And you can still <a href="http://www.krisbuytaert.be/blog/node/684">vote</a> for your favorite tool.</p> <p>Competition for openQRM to me is Enomalism, openNebula, Eucalyptus , with that difference that they don't do Physcial machines.<br /> All of the Enomalsm, Nimbus , openNebula, OS Circular etc projects are focussing on managing Virtual Machines deploying them over the network . with that difference that they have or support an API to talk to and they are al rebranding to the overhyped Cloud terminology. They are all focussing on just a subset of wat openQRM is doing and that's where openQRM has the edge.. OpenQRM does more than just one type of Virtualization and it does more than just virtual machines. Because of the fact that it supports more than 1 Virtualization platform it also comes with a complementary P2V and V2V migration toolkit. Apart from that it integrates (Virtual) Machine Management with other tools and gives you a dashboard to work from .</p> <p><a href="http://blogs.the451group.com/opensource/2008/08/20/openqrm-lives-on/" rel="nofollow">The 451 group </a> has some more insights about the growth of openQRM since Qlusters set it free , seems like both the downloads and the traffic for at SF.net since the changes are up. Obviously the community likes the new openQRM approach, and so do I ;)</p> enomalism eucalyptus hyperic nagios openebula openqrm opensource zabbix zenoss Tue, 26 Aug 2008 14:19:03 +0000 Kris Buytaert 717 at